Sunday, August 21, 2011


                        ACROSS THE MANDAUE SKIES

It's a bit rainy these days.  The sun shines high in the mornings but in late afternoons, the scene changes.  The skies would turn into gloom. I then tried capturing afternoon scenes, right on the clouds that hovered above, after which a heavy downpour followed.

Monday, August 8, 2011


                   ...of Mountains and Religion

There is, according to what I have read, a close connection between mountains and religions.  If you read the Bible, mountains have been mentioned on countless timesAnd if you happened to climb a mountain, there is that kind of feeling being one with nature, being closer to the skies, even closer to God.

The other Saturday, I tried taking myself to the hills of Talamban because a friend of mine mentioned about this Tabor Hill.  It actually was not hard to find because it was just a short distance from the main road where jeepneys take their routes.

Here are some of the photos I took when I visited the place.