Tuesday, September 7, 2010

INTOSAN : Danao's Water-Themed Resort

After taking a glimpse at this resort in the NET, and subsequent inquiries as to the rates and location of the place, I planned my first ever out-of-town escapade for the early part of 2009.  By April, I headed up North and reached the sleepy city of Danao.

INTOSAN is not a typical seafront resort, and is located a few kilometers from the main road. That's the reason why it prides itself of its pool, slides and a bit of water-themed park.

                                          view of the main pool

                                          the geyser-inspired island

                                          squirting seahorse

                                          lazy river pool

                                          the slide

                                          view from atop the slide
cottages are up for rent for day visitors and those who opted to stay overnight..
a wet playground is also available for children and those who are still kids-at-heart

---- so, check this out, folks if you have not been there -----

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