Sunday, July 17, 2011



Much is still to be discovered in Samboan. According to what I have read in the NET, the place has a lot to offer in terms of attractions.  Though I have been to this place on countless times, yet I have not explored its many prized possessions.

This time, my wandering feet took me to the heart of Samboan- the town plaza and its surroundings.

St. Jacob's Ladder is a flight of stone stairs which lead up to an old watch tower on the plateau of Samboan.  The watch tower is made up of coral stones and considered the tallest in Cebu.  It was constructed for the purpose of checking Moro pirates who invaded the land for a period of time.  From the top of the Samboan plateau, one can have a commanding view of the strait of Tanon, which lies between Cebu and the island of Negros.

The Samboan Catholic church named after its town patron saint and angel protector, St. Michael the Archangel, is a Spanish-built church made of coral stones and is one of the oldest churches in Cebu. It has been said that people from neighboring town of Alegria were coerced to perform labor on its construction.  

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