Friday, March 16, 2012


THE CUARTEL  Oslob, Cebu

The heritage town of Oslob has made me discover for myself more of its past as I came across the Cuartel, an unfinished structure just outside the perimeter stone fence of the Church of the Immaculate Concepcion. As I wonder what this structure was, I sighted some writings on one of its walls:


This unique structure was built through the effort of EL GRAN MAESTRO DON MARCOS SABANDAL to serve as barracks for Spanish armies but was halted during the arrival of AMERICANS in 1899.
The coral stones used for its construction came from remnants of the collapsed floor of the church bell tower. The walls of the structure which measure 19 centimeters thick still stand. The facade built of coral stones features a double row of arches.

It was a very good additional info with my history. Shutters then followed as I appreciate more of the place. I was thankful I was still able to take a glimpse of these mute witnesses of the past.

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