Thursday, March 8, 2012


Oslob's Cool Surprise

My recent trip to southern Cebu, particularly the town of Oslob, made me discover for myself a waterfall that doesn't even ring a bell on everyone's ears.  It is not yet that popular I still don't know what should it be called because as I read it in the internet, one named it as "Toslob Falls, others called it "Mag-ambak Falls" and the driver that took us to the falls mentioned a Spanish-sounding name I can't even recall.  Whatever it will be, it will be safer to call it after the name of the place- TUMALOG.

Although we can't really expect to take a dip on the falls because the waters on the ground are just ankle-deep, yet you'll be amazed by the sight of the falls that cascade mini-umbrellas of fine strands of cold and fresh waters, just enough to relieve a weary travelling soul from a busy weekday in the city.


  1. thanks for visiting my refuge.
    i really appreciate it!

    you are correct, we share the same passion! i love your photos too!

  2. thanks for your reply. Actually, I learned a lot from your blog about taking multiple shots with just one subject. Kumbaga, sa pag-angle2x lang yan. :)
