Sunday, June 26, 2011


                                DOWNTOWN SPREE

Hiking action put on the shelf today.  

This Sunday, we were originally planning to do a hiking activity from Guadalupe area to the RCPI tower ( not familiar with the area, though ) but our guide, a trekking enthusiast, was not able to take his leave off his work, leaving us with no choice but to put the action momentarily on the shelf.
But with my wandering feet? No. I should find myself elsewhere to enjoy this weekend.  And my destination was the Heritage of CEBU monument in downtown Colon.

The HERITAGE of CEBU MONUMENT is located in the historic Parian District, home to most prominent families in Cebu during the Spanish period. It is a tableau of sculptures showcasing significant and symbolic events related to the history of Cebu.

So, there goes my history...and my story for the day :)

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