Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Niwrehs Video- CHINA

Niwrehs Video- Baguio

Niwrehs Video- OLANGO


Late bloomer as defined by ENCYCLOPEDIA, "is a person whose talents or capabilities are slow to develop.  The term is used metaphorically to describe a child or adolescent who develops more slowly than others in their age group; but eventually catches up and in some cases overtakes their peers, or an adult whose talent or genius in a particular field only appears later in life than is normal- in some cases, only in old age"


Anyway, my point is that it is only lately that I discovered the magic of Windows Movie Maker that do wonders to your photos.  As one friend of mine asked me " Karun pa diay ka nakahibalo ana?" to which I immediately replied "Yup". Just because I was interested.  I am a self-learner, knowing things around me without any assistance from anyone. I just discovered and learned it myself. Anyway, that's me. 

Last year, I got interested photo taking as I was able to buy myself a digital camera, but not that high end. I was having fun uploading and sharing them to the NET, through social networking sites.  It is on one of these sites that I got the idea that a series of photos can be made into a video. Out of curiosity, I made a rundown on the programs on my laptop as to what is possible to this application. I found it and this was where my first photo video was created. And named it MY SAMBOAN PROJECT.

As I was really excited with this discovery of mine ( late as it may be ), in a span of two days, I was able to create several videos, of which I will be sharing them with you. Hope you enjoy watching. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Lately, I have been a frequent visitor in the WEB. And on instances, I would come across video uploads, which when viewed, would require me to install a flash player.  It was for a while that I have countless downloads of this program, yet I still can't access viewing videos.

Just today, I have found the solution of this problem through persistence, though I must admit, I am not an expert on this field. And it was just simple, with doing some few clickings. Now, I have freely browsed videos and this is where I got the idea of making a photo video out of the many pictures I stored on my computer. I experimented with it, and as a starter, I am quite contented with the outcome.

I called this first photo video as MY SAMBOAN PROJECT. Photos were taken during a weekend get-away from the office to the southern part of Cebu, named SAMBOAN, one of the many towns facing the NEGROS ISLAND. Good that I have managed to capture its scene from the time we arrived at the place until the time we made our way back to the city.

I would say I fell in love with the place, just watching and reminiscing the scenes I took the time we were there. They were silent witnesses of my presence in the place as the day turned into night time and into catching the glimpse of the rising sun the following day.

Much have been uploaded to my FACEBOOK account, but the photos that appeared here were of video form.

Hope you enjoy watching.:-))

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


On invitation from one of my officemates, I took my lunch from outside the premises of the office building yesterday. Guess, it was a little of birthday celebration of his eldest daughter. It was of slight walking distance from where we worked that I was able to sneak a photo out of one camera-friendly pussy,  sitting on the ground where I passed.

But wait, it's not what you think....

According to COLLINS dictionary, a pussy is a child's term for a cat.:-)

Stop staring at me, kitty. Flash me your smile...hehehe

good morning X.O.X.O

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

MARCELO.. his other side

The Mactan side of the Marcelo B. Fernan bridge, as viewed from across  mainland Cebu, was just too tempting not to be explored. We hurriedly left the seafront area of the Mandaue side and started to ascend through the bridge and then, underneath.

the bridge towards Mactan
a biker taking the pedestrian lane
Late afternoon jogger
a well-maintained landscape on Mactan's side
 a group of youngsters doing a dance rehearsal
children finding a playing ground on the pavement

And into the seafront of this side, as viewed from across Mandaue.

view of the Mactan channel
what a relaxing sight... just sitting and chatting

Going back to base. And the customary pose for this post ( just see me at the top ) hehehe.


Monday, September 20, 2010

close encounter with MARCELO

I was perspiring from the scorching heat of late afternoon yesterday as we roamed the entire area of ANGELICUM. Photo taking was already done and we're now ready to move to our next destination for the day: The Marcelo B. Fernan Bridge that links Mactan Island to mainland Cebu, aside from that old Mactan bridge in another side of the channel.

First stop was under the bridge on the side of Mandaue:

The welcome sign you barely see as you enter
Playground for young visitors
View from down under

A senior citizen having fun at playing gateball

As we proceeded toward the seafront, the sight was a typical Sunday afternoon

bonding time with friends and family
Opportunity for those who want a source of income
the sight of this makes me a bit lazier.. cool..

And into the waters....

Life is indeed like a beach. Hahay... ang sarap magtampisaw...


Sunday, September 19, 2010

ANGELICUM- where angels dwell

Met my gym-mate at Canduman this afternoon.  He was asking me for suggestions about the design for his proposed t-shirt printing job with XANADU.  I was bringing with me my suggested designs after last night's browsing with the internet.  But he seemed not contented with what I brought.

We were then again browsing the NET for possible additional designs for his proposal. But the internet connection was so slow, we brushed aside the idea browsing further.  Since we were in Canduman, I suggested dropping by ANGELICUM since I was interested visiting the place. Beforehand, I already readied my camera for possible shooting actions and placed it inside my back pack before I went out of the house. 

And these were the photos I took in ANGELICUM, mute witnesses of my being in the place because I am not sure with my adjectives as to describe the place.
All I know is that it is a park, not just for those who passed away but for the living as well.


Seemed contented with myself at the shots I took, we left the place and drove towards Mactan. From there, another blog comes my way.:-)

Si Niwrehs, ang blog ug ang bowl sa oats

gOOd mOrning...XOXO
Sunday morning.

  I find it hard waking up early. Just woke up.

  Featured to start my day is my ever-buyagon cow, nga playful karung buntaga,  Niwrehs, and this blog over a bowl of oats. 

'La lang. Share ko lang.


Saturday, September 18, 2010


Bell Church in Baguio City

Cebu Taoist Temple

Both are centers of worships for TAOISM, the religion which follows the teachings of the ancient Chinese philosopher, LAO TZE. I have been to both places. And I see their one common similarity that is quite visible to the eyes as you take a quick glance at these temples.  Their places abound with dragons. And it is also with dragons that I see how they differ...
 ...maldito ang ila dragon, mangluwa pa jod. hehehehe ( JOKE only )

Muuli na ko kay hapit na alas onse, Bye na jod BTC!

a story of a CASE CLOSED...


A criminal is on the loose. Investigators have a hard time gathering informations that would lead to the solving of the case. The crime scene is the BELL CHURCH at the boundary between Baguio City and the town of La Trinidad in Benguet that took place in the morning of July 03, 2009.

Because of the sensitivity of the case, the authorities waged a total media black-out as investigations coursed its way to its finality.

Even lion guards facing each other and those dragons at the top of the arch at the main entrance found themselves helpless as the crime took place

Finally, the identity of the perpetrator of the crime has been established. And this was how the crime was committed....

Say, cheeeesssseee.....

                                           :-))) wa na jod padungan ni ako blog. hahahaha

Goodbye BTC. Salamat sa pagpadayon sa akong blog sa imo tugkaran. hehehe