Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sneaking Out of STRESS...

Massage is no stranger to me.  I have been exposed to it even at childhood as I was being brought to numerous traditional hilots that time, as an alternative remedy session to my ever persistent asthmatic attacks.  But the history of massage was even older than what I thought.  It dates back to ancient and medieval times.  A biblical reference noted that a daily massage of oil and myrrh was used by the wives of XERXES, a Persian king of the Achamenid Empire, as part of their beauty regimen. Hippocrates, a Greek physician and known as Father of Medicine, wrote that "physicians must be experienced in many things, but assuredly by rubbing".  Even the famous Yellow Emperor of China, recommended massage of skin and flesh.

For years, I have been a frequent visitor of spas around Metro Cebu.  It is still for health concerns , but now it was my way of unwinding and escaping the strains and stress of everyday life.  The influx of Korean invasion in the Philippines paved the way to the boom of this wellness business for the past years.  And CEBU has her share of it, being a prime destination in the Philippines.

But the last visit I had was what I considered the most interesting one. Aside from the usual relief the massage gave me and the night that followed full of good sleep, I was able to sneak a pair of trousers that were used in my session.

Of course, it has the nod of the therapist who handled me, but without the knowledge of the Spa management. :-))

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