Saturday, September 11, 2010

AcrOss the Mactan cHaNNel

Boring Friday. Got no work to do. Past 9 in the morning, I already have finished washing my second batch of laundry from the previous week's use. Since I'll just be out for lunch, I planned to take the time roaming around the Metro Cebu for something to blog.

My eyes suddenly caught the MCWD bill at the cabinet which is still due for payment. At that instant, an idea popped out from nowhere.  Why not go to SM after my lunch? But the twist is that, from COnsolacion,  I will not ride my way straight to SM, but instead, take the jeepney route towards Mactan and from there, a ferry boat to a pier near SM.  It would be an experience for me, though i admit, it's not my first time.


the Mactan channel from atop the old Mactan bridge while I was on board the jeepney bound for Opon

The ferry wharf is just at the back of the Birhen sa Regla church in Opon, after I made some inquiries at a local in the area where the jeepney stopped.

Hala pila

Passengers making their way to the ferry and falling in line to get a boarding pass.

Fare rates and the boarding pass

Passengers finding their seats inside the ferry they felt most comfortable. Business is usual while waiting for the ferry to set sail.

The engine started. I stared at my watch. Barely ten minutes before 1pm. I wondered how much time will this journey take?

While we're in the middle of our trip, I became restless. I made a tour around the ferry and found my way at the back of the boat.  It is then there that i noticed a smoke coming out from the back....

With that urge of curiosity, I slowly made my way towards the far end of the ferry...

           ... and even closer

                        CAUGHT IN THE ACT!!! Manong and his soon to be lunch. hehehe

Thanks, God. It was far from what i thought. Soon, we will be arriving safely at Pier 4.

Time check: Six minutes past 1pm. More or less, it is a 15-minute ride crossing the Mactan channel.

There are many ways crossing the Mactan channel. Kanya-kanya lang tripping yan. Pwede ra ka mag-ferry boat, mag-banca, kun hassle-free imo gusto- sakay ra ka jeep agi sa bridge, or if you have been endowed with so much strength, hala langoya. hehehe.:-))

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