Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Late bloomer as defined by ENCYCLOPEDIA, "is a person whose talents or capabilities are slow to develop.  The term is used metaphorically to describe a child or adolescent who develops more slowly than others in their age group; but eventually catches up and in some cases overtakes their peers, or an adult whose talent or genius in a particular field only appears later in life than is normal- in some cases, only in old age"


Anyway, my point is that it is only lately that I discovered the magic of Windows Movie Maker that do wonders to your photos.  As one friend of mine asked me " Karun pa diay ka nakahibalo ana?" to which I immediately replied "Yup". Just because I was interested.  I am a self-learner, knowing things around me without any assistance from anyone. I just discovered and learned it myself. Anyway, that's me. 

Last year, I got interested photo taking as I was able to buy myself a digital camera, but not that high end. I was having fun uploading and sharing them to the NET, through social networking sites.  It is on one of these sites that I got the idea that a series of photos can be made into a video. Out of curiosity, I made a rundown on the programs on my laptop as to what is possible to this application. I found it and this was where my first photo video was created. And named it MY SAMBOAN PROJECT.

As I was really excited with this discovery of mine ( late as it may be ), in a span of two days, I was able to create several videos, of which I will be sharing them with you. Hope you enjoy watching. 

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