Friday, September 17, 2010

X.O.X.O. , anyOne?

If I were to present you with these pictures, how would you define it in four letters?

Maybe, in its singular description, you will say B-A-B-Y.  At a glance, it is true. But if you have me to describe it, I will have my description on matters of affection, X.O.X.O. 

You might wonder. I know.

According to WIKIPEDIA, the letter "X" represents hugs while the letter "O" represents kisses.  So, it is a term for a sequence of letters, typically to express affection or good friendship at the end of a written letter, email or SMS text message.

Hugs and Kisses, it reminds me of one brand of chocolate. And sOmething else. hehehe

So, there I go. Another sweet lesson learned for the day. :-p

Thank you for inspiring me to blog

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