Thursday, September 23, 2010


Lately, I have been a frequent visitor in the WEB. And on instances, I would come across video uploads, which when viewed, would require me to install a flash player.  It was for a while that I have countless downloads of this program, yet I still can't access viewing videos.

Just today, I have found the solution of this problem through persistence, though I must admit, I am not an expert on this field. And it was just simple, with doing some few clickings. Now, I have freely browsed videos and this is where I got the idea of making a photo video out of the many pictures I stored on my computer. I experimented with it, and as a starter, I am quite contented with the outcome.

I called this first photo video as MY SAMBOAN PROJECT. Photos were taken during a weekend get-away from the office to the southern part of Cebu, named SAMBOAN, one of the many towns facing the NEGROS ISLAND. Good that I have managed to capture its scene from the time we arrived at the place until the time we made our way back to the city.

I would say I fell in love with the place, just watching and reminiscing the scenes I took the time we were there. They were silent witnesses of my presence in the place as the day turned into night time and into catching the glimpse of the rising sun the following day.

Much have been uploaded to my FACEBOOK account, but the photos that appeared here were of video form.

Hope you enjoy watching.:-))

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