Friday, September 10, 2010

NiwRehs and fRienDs

NiwRehs' been restless today. He knew he has also had to take on his hOliday. So, I tagged him along to where I am gOing to meet his friends...

And this is what NiwRehs says:
tucking me in as he goes
at the main entrance

pose with the open field as background

hey, Dad. I'm no kid. hehe
Kakuyaw! mapatiran jod ko run. hehe

yehey, sakay ko kalesa...
Chicken na, Dad?

sure ko ani, pato. hehe
Usa daw ni sila? nga duha man ako nakit-an. hehe

white rabbits(nagkaun ug kendi mint) hehe
Hala, mura man ug natrippan ko. hehehe

unggoy nga nag-acrobat
unggoy nga natuyok. hehehe

shy bird
song bird ( nakakita ka sa iya mic?)

kani, kay lovebirds. ka-sweet. hehe
face-off of the two Taurus

TAXI!!! kay, manguli na mi. Byee..

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